In an alternate 2013 created by the time-traveling Barry Allen, teenage Young Barry has grown up carefree with the support of both his parents but is yet to experience the events that will transform him into The Flash. Full of excitement and wonder at the arrival of his older self, visiting from 2022, Young Barry is eager to discover whether he is able to gain the very same powers and become a superhero in his own right.
Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on The Flash movie. Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play. The Flash is featured in his makeshift Flash suit from The Flash movie.
Features | Description |
Figure Size: | 7" scale figure |
Design: | Incredibly detailed figure based on The Flash movie |
Articulation: | Ultra articulation with up to 22 moving parts for versatile posing and playability |
Accessories: | The Flash in Batman suit comes with 4 attachable lightning effects and a base |
Appearance: | The Flash is featured in his makeshift Flash suit from The Flash movie |
Collectible Art Card: | Included art card features character art on the front |
Back of the art card contains character biography | |
Collectible Series: | Part of the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Figures collection |
DC Multiverse | Collect and display other figures from the series to complete your collection |
Step into the alternate 2013 timeline and witness the story of Young Barry in this incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on The Flash movie. The figure is designed with ultra articulation, featuring up to 22 moving parts, allowing for a full range of posing and play options.
The Flash is depicted in his makeshift Flash suit, reflecting the unique circumstances of the alternate timeline.
Proudly brought to you by Mcfarlane Toys and Superhero Toystore, India's largest and most comprehensive online store for official Dark Knight Trilogy Action Figures, Statues, and other Pop-culture merch!